The only constant

Throughout my life I’ve considered myself different things: friend, lover, son, brother, dad, writer, artist. . . but for the last 30 years, to a large extent, I’ve cling tightly to one identity: graphic designer. I’m a good designer, a skilled craftsman. I’ve grown as a designer, taught design to college students, and worked as an art director. I’m good at it. Maybe great.

And I’m tired.

When I turned 45, I looked to the future and asked myself, do I want to do this until I retire in 20 years (or so)? Using most of my creative energy for my day job, getting little job satisfaction. . . little challenge? I’m tired. Creating designs for something I don’t believe in, not having the energy to make art for myself after? So tired. But as I said, I’m a good designer, maybe great. Can I give up something I’m maybe great at? Can I start over with something new?

Sure I can.

So I’m jumping to Plan B, or by this point. . . Plan Q.

In May, I was accepted to the Clinical Mental Health Counseling Master’s Degree program at Lindenwood University. I’ve met with my academic advisor, I’m enrolled in my first courses, and in August I begin classes. If I follow the course path, I should graduate in 3-4 years, in time for my 50th birthday. And then I will start a career as some kind of mental health counselor, maybe I’ll find a way to use my design skills with this new path. . . or maybe I’ll find Plan R along the way

Change is coming. And I’m so excited!

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